Our History


Part 1: A Church Is Born (1902- 1936)

In 1902, a group of members from Zion Baptist Church withdrew to establish a congregation west of Broad Street in North-Central Philadelphia. The decision was made to name the church Wayland Temple Baptist Church in honor of the late Reverend Horace B. Wayland, the first pastor of Zion Baptist Church.

The first Pastor of Wayland Temple, Reverend James DeWitt, led worship on the second floor of a workshop on the comer of Poplar and Vineyard Streets. Reverend De Witt served from 1902 – 1907. Reverend J.B. Pratt succeeded Reverend DeWitt in 1907. Under his pastorate, the following auxiliaries were organized: Sunday School, the choir, and the Missionary Circle. 

Reverend C. L. Henderson succeeded Reverend Pratt in 1912. Although the membership declined during this period, a few faithful members held on to God’s vision for Wayland Temple and faithfully continued their efforts to maintain the fellowship.

In April 1913, they accepted Reverend Smith W. Price’s (an associate minister of St. Paul’s Baptist Church) call to pastor Wayland Temple. Under his great leadership and organizational skills, the congregation grew rapidly. Several departments were organized. Several new positions including Church Clerk, Church Treasurer, and Church Custodian were established. In 1916, a new building at 2227 Master Street was purchased to accommodate the increase in membership. A baptismal pool was built the following year in 1917.

By 1921, the membership had grown to such proportions (1,500) that it was necessary to enlarge the building at the cost of$30,000. Wayland Temple’s ministry continued to prosper throughout Reverend Price’s leadership. He reorganized the Church School and Senior Choir. He also organized the Junior Choir, Deacon’s Aide, Pulpit Circle, Who-So-Ever-Will Club, Junior Usher’s Board, Mother’s Board, B.Y.P.U. and the Templelites (youth drama club). In 1923, he established the Church Aid Society, a program designed to provide sick and health benefits for those members experiencing economic difficulties. He also adopted a Constitution and ByLaws. During this time, Reverend Price served faithfully and effectively until his death on March 11, 1936. He left a legacy of worthy achievements.

Part 2: A Rapidly Growing Church (1936-1970)

On April 30, 1937, Reverend Clarence Miller Smith, the pastor of Metropolitan Baptist Church (Pittsburgh, PA), accepted the call to become pastor of Wayland Temple. Reverend Smith expanded and enhanced the ministry of the church through his development and implementation of effective, progressive programming. New auxiliaries such as the Nurse’s Unit, Helping Hand Club, Prayer Band, Willing Workers, President’s Council, and the Excelsior Club were formed. These groups contributed immensely to the financial growth of the church and were instrumental in funding the redecoration of the church and the purchase of property, which was rented, thus providing additional income for the church.

By 1948, the church had outgrown the Master Street site and purchased the present building (2500 W. Cecil B. Moore Avenue) for $91,000 on May 5, 1949. Toe Master Street site was sold to Hope Baptist Church for $35,000. On May 15, 1949, the congregation marched from the Master Street site to its new church home, a day that will always be remembered and cherished. God continued to bless Wayland Temple’s ministry. In 1953, renovations began on the basement of the church. The Center, as the basement was called, offered several conveniences such as a well-equipped kitchen, a spacious multi-purpose room and restrooms. These upgrades helped us to effectively meet the challenges of a changing society and a successful church ministry.

Reverend Smith was called home to rest on May 18, 1970. Reverend Henry T. Fields, who was licensed and ordained by Wayland Temple, served admirably as interim Pastor from the time of Reverend Smith’s death until the calling of Pastor Lovett in 1971.

Part 3: A New Era (1971-2016)

For over 45 years of service, Pastor Lovett led the church into a financial percentage-giving program. This program enabled the church to double her budget in five years. A Board of Christian Education, Board of Missions, Community outreach, Community development Corporation, Young Adult Ushers, Federal Credit Union, Young Women’s Auxiliary and New Members’ Club were instituted. Other ministries and programs were undertaken by the church to better serve Wayland’s membership and community, such as the Youth Fellowship Choir, Young Adult Fellowship Choir, Children’s Choir, Boy/Girl Scouts, the Male Chorus, Vacation Bible School, Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Site, Community Baseball and Basketball Team Sponsors, Black College Fundraisers, and the Capital Fund Campaign for Building Improvements.

In 1987 Pastor Lovett mindful of the spiritual need to move each member into active Christian work introduced a Six Basic Ministry Plan of action based on the basic biblical functions of the Church Evangelism Christian Education Home Missions Foreign Missions and Music Later two additional ministries were added Bereavement and Christian Family Life Every member was encouraged to work with the designated eight Basic ministries Recognizing the importance of youth in the churchs ministry Pastor Lovett launched two youthoriented programs These programs focused on helping youth cope with the myriad of challenges of life Save Our Youth ( an outreach leadership training program) and RitesOfPassage (an in reach spiritual journey) both addressed everyday concerns of young people from a biblical perspective.

Wayland Temple’s membership also engaged in periodic church-wide retreats that were designed to improve interpersonal relationships, increase participation in church activities and enrich the overall spiritual life of her members. These retreats were instrumental in helping the Wayland family to evaluate her level of functioning and devise strategies for achieving a more effective ministry.

Part 4: A Time for New Beginnings (2017-present)

Our beloved Pastor, Reverend Robert J. Lovett, Sr. transitioned from labor to reward to be with our Lord Wednesday, February 15, 2017. Wayland Temple Baptist Church continued her journey of service and commitment to God and His people by including a ninth basic ministry, Faith Movers. Wayland Temple was blessed with interim Pastors that prepared the work of the congregation for the God-placed Pastor that was soon to come. On February 23, 2023, Reverend James E. Mack was installed as the new Pastor of Wayland Temple Baptist Church. The Journey Continues in the Way of the Lord.